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Our admission counselors are here to share with you the world of Miami admission. Learn a little about us and the process, plus all the fun and excitement happening on and off campus this year.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Full Circle

Of all the moments in the Admission cycle, this is by far my favorite. It’s that in-between time when acceptance letters have been sent out and confirmations begin to roll in. It’s the time when—unlike a lot of professions—you can physically witness the fruits of your labor. To paint a picture of our office, imagine a canvas where brush strokes illustrate words like contentment, excitement and pride.

Yesterday, Senior Associate Director Ann Larson whispered the phrase every Office of Admission wants to hear in May : “We made the class.” Translation—good work team. We were tasked with recruiting the best and the brightest, and somehow we managed to pull it off. Again :)

To quote our President, Dr. David Hodge:
“As a result of this effort, we have so far confirmed 3,648 students, which is right on our target goal. It is a very strong, academically accomplished group with a significant increase in the number and percentage of out-of-state and international students.”

In other words, we’ve come full circle. Rather—you have come full circle. For many of you, your introduction to Miami started with a visit to our website, a campus tour or visiting friends and family associated with the University. From that initial visit, a spark was somehow ignited. Fast forward and you went from filling out the Common Application, to a full-fledged candidate for admission, to an accepted student and then—a student with many options on the table. We might never know what sealed the deal for you to confirm. And that’s okay. Perhaps it was one of our Make It Miami accepted student events, or a final conversation with a counselor. It might have been our impressive statistics or maybe you connected with an enthusiastic alumna or alumnus. Whatever the case may be, it turned out that we became the priority option in front of you. And for that—we will always be grateful.

Speaking of gratitude, take a moment (in between the remaining senior year parties, Facebook posts and on-line residence hall furniture shopping) to remember what a gift this education is. You will spend many years on campus just thinking and learning, and meeting new people. It may not come neatly wrapped with a bow---but it’s the most significant gift you will ever receive. And you should not take it for granted. If not now, someday you will understand what this really means.

As you transition to college, know that another circle is about to begin. It starts off with orientation, meeting that friend who will turn into a lifelong friend, an amazing trip abroad or interest in a major that turns into your life’s passion. Before you know it, four years will have flown by and yet another circle will be complete.

As you begin this next chapter, take a moment to celebrate not only your impressive admission to Miami but also the foundation you built that got you here, right now, in this very moment. Congratulations Class of 2015--it’s now full speed ahead……

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two words to describe yours: simply perfect.