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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Right Fit

Hey Everyone! I hope you are enjoying the last weeks of high school. We’ve certainly enjoyed seeing you here at Miami as we have had thousands of visitors this month. But rest assured if you have not gotten the chance to come to Oxford, you can always log on to www.muohio.edu/visit to schedule your information session and campus tour.

It’s hard to believe the year is coming to an end. Students are always amazed when they realize that the semester is over. Ask graduating seniors, and you will consistently hear, “I can’t believe it’s almost over! I never want to leave!”

I think that speaks volumes about the university. After four years, students have all of the skills necessary to succeed beyond college. Yet, students enjoy their collegiate experience to such an extent that they wish it could continue. This is something I encourage all of you graduating high school seniors to think about as you consider which school you will be attending. Do you feel like that when graduation comes four years from now, you will wish it will still be just a few more days away?

Undoubtedly you have been told about finding the right fit. The idea that you can see yourself spending the next four years on Miami’s campus even if you have only spent a few hours visiting the institution, can be daunting, but think about it like this:

Can you see yourself sitting in a classroom in any of the academic buildings, actively participating with your professor and classmates?

Can you see yourself playing Frisbee, hanging out with friends or doing homework on Central Quad?

Can you see yourself walking around the seal as you go class?

Can you see yourself walking under the Upham Arch?

Can you see yourself in the student section cheeringly rabidly for the Miami Hockey Team?

If you can see yourself making the most of the opportunities available to you as a college student; if you can see yourself as an active member of the college community; if you can see yourself being happy that you are a student of the university, then these are all signs that you are feeling the idea of the right fit.

So as you high school seniors countdown the days towards college and make that final decision, and even as you high school juniors and sophomores begin your college visits, ask yourselves these questions to see if the place you are visiting is the right fit. We certainly hope Miami will be that right fit for you!

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