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Our admission counselors are here to share with you the world of Miami admission. Learn a little about us and the process, plus all the fun and excitement happening on and off campus this year.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A major decision...

As an Admission Counselor many questions from students that we get are not only about the application process but are also regarding a particular major. We are happy to let our students know that they are able to find a list of our 100+ majors online at www.muohio.edu/majors. This website will bring up options for you to select a major of interest alphabetically or by a certain subject area.

Even if you are still in the beginning stages of exploring a major, this link serves as a wonderful resource. Some of the things included for every major are: what this major is, information on additional admission requirements (if applicable), what types of classes you will take within this major, what you can do with this major post graduation and additional contact information.

Not every major will have information on additional admission requirements because most of the majors at Miami you are automatically accepted in if you are accepted into the university. On the additional contact information on the website, you will find information on not only for the office of admission, but also information on a faculty or an academic advisor from that department you can contact as well as the website for that particular major. The great thing about all of our majors is that every major will have its own website for you to explore.

In addition, when you are applying to Miami, do not feel like you have to write something down. Many of our students begin undecided and declaring a major on your application has no bearing on our admission decision.

I hope this helps during your exploration of majors and feel free to let me know if additional questions arise!

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